Testing jsPolicies with Godog

Writing acceptance-tests as scenarios and running them on a cluster

Amit Singh
14 min readDec 12, 2023

Recently, I learned how to enforce some best security practices on a kubernetes cluster by deploying jsPolicies. Meanwhile, I’ve also been looking into ways to write BDD tests in a more intuitive way, and I figured, why not combine them 🤷
That’s how I arrived at…

godog + jsPolicy


jsPolicy is a policy engine for Kubernetes that allows you to write policies in JavaScript or TypeScript.

jsPolicy is a great choice for developers who want an easy-to-use and powerful policy engine for their Kubernetes clusters, with key features including:

  • Ease of Use: JavaScript, a widely used programming language, serves as the foundation for jsPolicy, making it accessible to developers familiar with the language.
  • Power and Flexibility: jsPolicy offers a versatile framework capable of handling a wide range of policies, ranging from basic access control to complex anomaly detection.
  • Integration and Customization: jsPolicy seamlessly integrates with your existing Kubernetes ecosystem, while enabling customization to suit unique organizational requirements.

jsPolicies are essentially snippets of JavaScript code that specify conditions under which an admission request should be allowed or denied. These policies are compiled into a highly optimized bundle of JavaScript code, which are loaded at the beginning of the policy’s execution flow, executing the JavaScript code within the modules, and making a decision based on the defined conditions. The result of this decision (allow or deny) is then communicated back to the Kubernetes API server.
The part that I find the most impressive about jsPolicies is the speed of their execution. I don’t understand the optimizations made well enough to explain them here, but feel free to check out their architecture page for more details.


Godog is the official Cucumber BDD framework for Golang, it merges specification and test documentation into one cohesive whole, using Gherkin formatted scenarios in the format of Given, When, Then.

Going over BDD briefly, Behavior-Driven Development is a software development methodology that emphasizes collaboration between developers, testers, and non-technical stakeholders by using natural language descriptions of software features and scenarios. Godog allows developers to write and execute BDD-style tests in Go, providing a structure for writing and automating tests based on Gherkin syntax.

In this story, we’ll be writing acceptance-tests for a jsPolicy using Godog, so let's get right into it (don’t worry, I’ll go over what exactly we will be testing in the next sections).

Creating your own jsPolicy

jsPolicy has an SDK project that can be used as a template to write custom policies. However, there is an issue with one of the helper functions that makes the policies block your kubernetes apply requests even when your resources are compliant with them.
And since I was going to create a custom policy and clean up the template anyway, I copied the code, cleaned it up, fixed the issue, and created my own repo to store it. Feel free to clone the repo, we’re going to go over it next.

Alright, let’s break down the src directory structure first.

src directory
  • lib: contains policy logic grouped by kubernetes resource type (or a field on their definition), which can be used by different policies that target the same kubernetes resource. Our policy would be validating pod containers and metadata. Hence, the folders: containers and metadata.
  • policies : each folder here represents a policy (1x policy.yaml + 1x index.yaml as entrypoint). In our case, we have one policy, validate-pods that will validate pods.
  • util : shared utility functions (not policy specific, small helpers).
  • index.ts : specifies all functions that are exported and are intended to be reused by others that use this package.

Our policy is supposed to validate a pod before it's created on the cluster and block it if any of the following is true:

  • will be deployed to kube-system or default namespace
  • has a container without memory limit set
  • has a container that is set to run as the root user

We’ll go over the implementation of the 3 rules above now.
Starting with validateNamespace.ts, this where we put the logic to check what namespace the pod is being created in and block it if it's kube-system or default.

const disallowedNamespaces = ["default", "kube-system"]

export function validateNamespace(request: V1AdmissionRequest): string[] {
const object = request.object as {metadata: V1ObjectMeta};
const errors: string[] = [];

if (disallowedNamespaces.includes(object?.metadata?.namespace!)) {
errors.push("Field metadata.namespace is not allowed to be: " + disallowedNamespaces.join(" | "))

return errors

One thing to note is that we are using errors.push here because all the validations failed are returned as elements in an array and the policy only lets the pod creation go ahead if the array is empty.

Coming to validateResources.ts, the logic here checks if each container and init-container in the pod has limit set for memory resource.

const errors: string[] = [];

podSpec?.containers?.forEach((container: V1Container, index: number) => {
if (!(container.resources?.limits) || !('memory' in container.resources.limits)) {
errors.push("Memory limit not defined for spec.containers[" + index + "].")

podSpec?.initContainers?.forEach((initContainer: V1Container, index: number) => {
if (!(initContainer.resources?.limits) || !('memory' in initContainer.resources.limits)) {
errors.push("Memory limit not defined for spec.initContainers[" + index + "].")

return errors;

Here again, each container and init-container that fails validation adds its own entry to the errors array.

Coming to blocking pods with containers that run as a privileged user, this logic is implemented in validateCapabilities.ts. Every container’s and init-container’s securityContext field is checked and error is pushed for each that fails the check.

const errors: string[] = [];

podSpec?.containers?.forEach((container: V1Container, index: number) => {
if (container.securityContext?.capabilities?.add?.length ||
container.securityContext?.runAsUser == 0 ||
container.securityContext?.privileged) {
errors.push("Field spec.containers[" + index + "].securityContext is not allowed.")

podSpec?.initContainers?.forEach((initContainer: V1Container, index: number) => {
if (initContainer.securityContext?.capabilities?.add?.length ||
initContainer.securityContext?.runAsUser == 0 ||
initContainer.securityContext?.privileged) {
errors.push("Field spec.initContainers[" + index + "].securityContext is not allowed.")

return errors;

Putting the jsPolicy to test

Alright now that our policy code is ready, let's compile it to generate the corresponding JsPolicy and JsPolicyBundle resources.

npm install
npm compile

Note: you might run into the following error while running npm compile

library: 'DSO support routines',
reason: 'could not load the shared library',

to resolve this issue, you need to instruct Node.js to use the legacy OpenSSL provider instead of the newer default provider.

export NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider

Successful compilation of the policy would generate 2 files, validate-pods.bundle.yaml and validate-pods.yaml in the policies folder.

jsPolicy compilation

A JsPolicy resource defines the configuration for a policy. In our case, the resources it applies to is pods, and the operations it triggers on are Create and Update. Whereas, a JsPolicyBundle resource stores pre-compiled JavaScript code for the policy logic. It’s used to improve performance and avoid recompiling the policy for every request.

The reason jsPolicy and JsPolicyBundle resources have the same name is that as soon as the JsPolicy exists in the cluster, it will be active immediately and start looking for the corresponding JsPolicyBundle. If the corresponding JsPolicyBundle is not existing yet, all requests for this policy will fail. This is the reason it is recommended to apply the JsPolicyBundle first.

Alright now, before we can deploy these policies, we need a cluster with jsPolicy installed on it. Follow these steps:

minikube start --memory 6144 --cpus 3 --kubernetes-version=v1.24.13

Note: you can adjust the memory and cpu to allocate to the minikube cluster. I ran this tutorial with kubernetes v1.24.13, but you can try testing with newer versions too.

  • Install helm as mentioned here.
  • Now we can install jsPolicy on the local cluster using helm.
helm install jspolicy jspolicy -n jspolicy --create-namespace --repo https://charts.loft.sh

If the all the steps above were successful, you should have a pod running in the namespace jspolicy in your minikube cluster.

jspolicy namespace and pod

Time to deploy the policy we created. Policy compilation should have put our jsPolicy and JsPolicyBundle yaml files in the policies folder. We can deploy them using kubectl

deploying the custom policy

Now, let’s try to create a pod with a container that runs as the root user, has no memory limit set, and is to be created in the kube-system namespace.

And as expected, our policy blocks its creation and logs all the errors/violations.

policy blocking a pod creation and logging the violations

Setting up Godog tests

Now that we have our policy deployed on the cluster, we can create acceptance-tests to make sure it works as expected, given different pod definitions. To do so, we will write the tests in Go using the Godog framework.

I’ll be using the following repo for reference, so feel free to clone it.

The package that stores all the code that interacts with our minikube cluster is k8s which has all the functions needed to perform operations like pod creation, deletion, configuration etc. You can try out the main.go file as well, but that’s only for playing around with these functions and will not be relevant to our tests.

Creating acceptance-tests for your jsPolicy

As mentioned earlier, using Godog, when you’re writing acceptance tests, you can write scenarios in a feature file and in our case, describe how the policy is supposed to behave when pods with different configurations are deployed on the cluster. Let’s start with a simple scenario where we try to deploy a pod that is compliant with our policy.

Feature: jsPolicies
In order to deploy a pod
As a developer
I need to configure the pod to be compliant with all the jsPolicies

- Pods without memory limit set are not allowed
- Pods with containers that run as the root user are not allowed
- Pods cannot be deployed in kube-system and default namespace

Scenario: Allow deployment of a compliant pod
Given I create a pod manifest with name compliant-pod in namespace acceptance-tests that is compliant with all policies enforced
When I apply the pod manifest
Then the pod should be created in the namespace

Decoding the features and scenarios written above in Gherkin syntax:

  • The name of our feature is jsPolicies and following that we have mentioned what the rules of the policy are.
  • Our first scenario is where we deploy a pod definition compliant with all the rules we just mentioned, named, compliant-pod, in namespace, acceptance-tests.

The repo has a pod yaml definition, compliant.yaml, that we can use to test this scenario.

Now we get to the part where we convert the Given, When, and Then steps of our scenario into actual functions, which are implemented in main_test.go file.
Note: For context, you can over Godog docs that cover step definition in depth.

Godog ScenarioContext uses regex to match steps, extract parameters, and call a function providing those parameters. Take the following as example:

sc.Given(`^I create a pod manifest with name ([a-z0-9][-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9]?) in namespace ([a-z0-9][-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9]?) that is compliant with all policies enforced$`, createPodCompliantWithAllPolicies)

This will match the Given step in our scenario above, extract the name compliant-pod and the namespace acceptance-tests, and call the function createPodCompliantWithAllPolicies providing these two as the arguments.
Coming to the createPodCompliantWithAllPolicies function:

k8sPod, err := k8s.LoadPodFromYaml("./k8s/pods/compliant.yaml", k8sPodName, k8sPodNamespace)
if err != nil {
return ctx, err

return context.WithValue(ctx, pod{}, k8sPod), nil

Here we are creating a Pod object from the yaml file where we have stored the definition of a pod compliant with our jsPolicy, and if you check the implementation of the function LoadPodFromYaml, we are setting the name and namespace of the pod as, k8sPodName and k8sPodNamespace respectively.
One more thing to note is how we will be storing states for a particular scenario:

type podApplyError struct{}
type podName struct{}
type podNamespace struct{}
type pod struct{}

We are using custom types to store state of the pod for a given scenario, and then these states are passed along using context. The return statement of the function createPodCompliantWithAllPolicies does the same by storing the pod definition in the context using pod struct as the key.

Coming to the When step:

sc.When(`^I apply the pod manifest$`, applyPodManifest)

This will match the applyPodManifestfunction, which in turn will create the pod in the cluster with the name and namespace specified in the Given step.

func applyPodManifest(ctx context.Context) (context.Context, error) {
k8sPod, ok := ctx.Value(pod{}).(*coreV1.Pod)
if !ok {
return ctx, errors.New("there is no pod set to apply")

err := k8s.ApplyPodManifest(k8sPod)

ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, podName{}, k8sPod.GetName())
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, podNamespace{}, k8sPod.GetNamespace())
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, podApplyError{}, err)

return ctx, nil

In the createPodCompliantWithAllPolicies function, we stored the pod definition in the context with the pod{} key. In applyPodManifest we retrieve that same pod definition from the context and then call the ApplyPodManifest function in k8s package to create it. The function also stores the name and namespace of the pod, and the error returned when creating it, in the context.

Now, the final step in our scenario, Then, would match the following function call:

sc.Then(`^the pod should be created in the namespace$`, podShouldBeInNamespace)

podShouldBeInNamespace function would extract the name and namespace of the pod from the context and checks if a pod by that name exists in the namespace.

func podShouldBeInNamespace(ctx context.Context) (context.Context, error) {
k8sPodName, ok := ctx.Value(podName{}).(string)
if !ok {
return ctx, errors.New("pod name is not set")

k8sPodNamespace, ok := ctx.Value(podNamespace{}).(string)
if !ok {
return ctx, errors.New("pod namespace is not set")

namespacePodNames, err := k8s.GetPodsInNamespace(k8sPodNamespace)
if err != nil {
return ctx, err

for _, namespacePodName := range namespacePodNames {
if strings.Compare(k8sPodName, namespacePodName) == 0 {
return ctx, nil

return ctx, errors.New("pod not found in the namespace")

If you checked out the godogs-k8s-acceptance repo then you’ll see full implementation of all the steps in the InitializeScenario function, however the scenario we are going to test will only involve the Given, When, and Then steps we went over above.

Testing jsPolicy behavior with a compliant pod

Make sure the features/jspolicies.feature has only one scenario: Allow deployment of a compliant pod.
Create a namespace acceptance-tests in the cluster.

kubectl create ns acceptance-tests

Time to run, go test -v

testing compliant-pod scenario

And there it is. The scenario ran as expected and our policy did not block creation of the compliant pod.
Note: The After step cleans up any pod created while executing a scenario after its evaluation. That’s why you won’t be able to see the pod on the cluster. However if you remove the After step you can see the compliant pod in the aaceptance-tests namespace.

Testing jsPolicy behavior with non compliant pods

Earlier we went over the rules based on which our policy will bock the creation of a pod. Let’s now write down scenarios where we will try to deploy pods that break these rules to test if our policy behaves as expected.

Scenario: Block deployment of a pod with a container running as root
Given I create a pod manifest with name bad-pod-1 in namespace acceptance-tests that is compliant with all policies enforced
And I set the user of container indexed 0 as 0 i.e., root
When I apply the pod manifest
Then the pod should be blocked with error:
- Field spec.containers[0].securityContext is not allowed.

Scenario: Block deployment of a pod with a container without memory limit set
Given I create a pod manifest with name bad-pod-2 in namespace acceptance-tests that is compliant with all policies enforced
And I remove the memory limit of container indexed 0
When I apply the pod manifest
Then the pod should be blocked with error:
- Memory limit not defined for spec.containers[0]

Scenario: Block deployment of a pod in the namespace kube-system
Given I create a pod manifest with name bad-pod-2 in namespace acceptance-tests that is compliant with all policies enforced
And I set the pod namespace as kube-system
When I apply the pod manifest
Then the pod should be blocked with error:
- Field metadata.namespace is not allowed to be: default | kube-system

Scenario: Block deployment of a pod with a container with user set to root and with memory limit removed in the namespace kube-system
Given I create a pod manifest with name bad-pod-2 in namespace acceptance-tests that is compliant with all policies enforced
And I set the user of container indexed 0 as 0 i.e., root
And I remove the memory limit of container indexed 0
And I set the pod namespace as kube-system
When I apply the pod manifest
Then the pod should be blocked with error:
- Field metadata.namespace is not allowed to be: default | kube-system
- Field spec.containers[0].securityContext is not allowed.
- Memory limit not defined for spec.containers[0]

If you go over the main_test.go file, you’ll see we already have steps defined with regex that would match the new steps we added to test negative scenarios. One more thing to note here is that we expect error messages pushed by our policies to be in the error response returned when we try to create these non compliant pods. Not only that, if a pod breaks multiple rules, we also expect to have error messages corresponding to each broken rule. This goes back to how we pushed each error message into the errors array and then returned an error string combining these errors separated by a new line.

Alright, time to run the tests for all of these scenarios.

testing negative scenarios

As you can see, our policy worked perfectly, blocking every non compliant pod deployment for the right reasons.

This was a very basic example of testing a jsPolicy and using Godog to do so. I haven’t gone over the full codebase in the godogs-k8s-acceptance repo as this story is already way longer than I anticipated. But feel free to post comments reagarding any questions you might have.

The takeaway here for me is how these scenarios make testing so intuitive and that too for anyone regardless of whether you’re familiar with the abstracted code or not. And for jsPolicies, as far as I know this is the most “conventional code oriented” way of enforcing policies on a cluster, which gives you the freedom to perform very complex operations in the policy before determining whether to allow a resource on the cluster or not.

And with that, if you have any questions or suggestions, drop them in the comments section as well.
See you on another post 🖖

Hey 👋 there. If I helped you in some way, and you’re feeling generous today, you can now buy me a coffee!



Amit Singh

A Software Engineer who believes that technological progress should be more about extension than replacement.